If you are searching for a personal loan, you expect to be provided clear and concise information about the product so that you can make an informed and educated decision. Consequently, all advertising on a website should be transparent about the quality, features, fees, risks, and benefits of the product.
This is why we ensure that our advertising adheres to the following:
Important Information
Specifies minimum and maximum repayment period.
Stipulates maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR). This should include interest rate, and any additional fees you may incur for the year.
Make it clear that we are a broker, and not a lender.
Does not endorse any authorisation by the FCA, or any other legal organisation, unless such official authorisation has been given by them.
Include our legal name, as it appears in the Financial Services Register.
All financial promotions and website information must be clear, fair and not misleading.
All financial promotions and customer information must be clear regarding our status, including the extent of our abilities, and the nature of the service we provide.
Statements And Opinions
Any observations, guarantees, or projections made by us should be objective and not misrepresentative.
Testimonials on the site relate to the product being promoted.